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Wednesday, February 29, 2012

How to deal with a dismissive, disrespectful, and arrogant coworker ?

Within the workplace there will be many people we either get along with or don't, that's just how life is. But we don't always have to put up with disrespectful people. Instead of arguing with your co-worker and causing problems, or threatening your job there are other ways you can deal with them. Here are some tips and ways on how to deal with a dismissive, disrespectful, and arrogant co-worker:

1.     Remain calm in any hectic situation.
2.     Report to a supervisor right away if any trouble with a worker instead of reacting
3.     Think about your job first
4.     Always stay positive in any situation
5.     Ignore your co-worker if they are annoying, offending or bothering you
6.     Focus on behaviour
7.     Stay far away, try keeping to yourself so there is no involvement
8.     Be strong!
9.     Most importantly don't catch on to their ways or you will become that co worker

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